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Diamond Express has built an extensive network that stretches across all provinces in South Africa.
Please request a more detailed breakdown of our service and route guides from your nearest branch.
Areas we service with our own fleet vehicles:
- Free State
- Northern Cape
- North West
Areas serviced by our trusted 3rd party carriers:
- Gauteng
- Eastern Cape
- Kwazulu-Natal
- Limpopo
- Mpumalanga
- Western Cape
Our services are offered across diverse industry types:
- Pharmaceutical
- Printed Media
- Medical
- Sport Equipment
- Automotive
- Wine
- Retail
- Catering
- Chain stores
Our service offerings include:
- SDX – Same Day Express
- ONX – Overnight Express
- ECO – Economy Delivery
- SAT – Saturday Delivery
- AIR – Airfreight
- DL – Dedicated Loads